Words an eagle overheard

Isak Dinesen
Published in
Sep 13, 2022


On a snowy day a bald eagle alights on the top of a wooden post holding part of a fish. Its wings are fully extended.
Author’s image of Vicki Morell’s photo as displayed at Van Dusen Gardens exhibit 2018

Great Spirit; wingspan of the Earth;

Balancing wind from every direction,

Gifting down into the palm of our becoming,

Returning that of our souls we knew not were missing,

Find our gratitude in the silence of water awakening stones.

A small white feather floats above round multicoloured stones below still water
Author’s photo



Isak Dinesen

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. What the world needs is people who have come alive. " - Howard Thurman (AfricanAmerican)