Alcohol: Servant or Master

Take a 1 minute quiz

Isak Dinesen


A thick furred tawny coloured Persian cat sits next to the sink while a golden faucet is running water. Expression is neutral
Skyla photographed by Dougal Meekison

HOW MUCH is too much?

HOW DEEP is its influence?

HOW DARK its morning?

3 C’s of addiction

Control issues

Compulsions to use despite

Consequences that are negative.


Screening tool-CAGE

C-have you ever tried to CUT back?

A-do you get ANNOYED or ANGRY when people are concerned about your drinking?

G-do you ever feel GUILTY drinking and/or what happens when you drink?

E-have you ever had an EYE OPENER to calm nerves/tremors (sign of dependency and withdrawal)


Canadian guidelines for “safer” use of Alcohol which is associated with higher rates of many cancers, liver failure, dementia, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, accidents, depression and mental illness including suicide.

Don’t drink everyday.

Women; 10 measured drinks/week with no more than 2 drinks/day

Men; 15 measured drinks/week with no more than 3 drinks/day

Measuring is crucial

5 oz wine 12%

12 oz beer/cider 5%

1.5 oz distilled 40%

If you are interested in exploring your use of alcohol there are many online resources including AA. If you are contemplating abrupt cessation it is essential to receive treatment from your physician for (potentially life threatening and) distressing withdrawal symptoms.

Health, happiness and harmony for us and ours



Isak Dinesen

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. What the world needs is people who have come alive. " - Howard Thurman (AfricanAmerican)